Setting the Assistance and Morality will affect whether your follower will perform unsavory actions like attacking or stealing if commanded. Finally, the combat style should more or less mirror the class you picked out back on the Stats page. Again this might take some trial and error to pick out the one best suited for your follower.
If the mod that contains the hair you want to use is not an esm the first thing is to make it into one. If it is already an esm file, then you can skip this part. To do that you can use Wrye Bash and follow these steps:
skyrim make a follower kit
Once you have completely finished editing your esp file, if the original hair mod was an esp file, you will want to make your follower mod dependent on the original esp file (and not on the esm file you've created as nobody will have that file but you!) To do that:
If you have the permission of the authour of the hair to redistribute it in your follower mod, or you don't want to redistribute your follower mod, then you can use this method to give your follower a custom hair:
You can add other factions to your follower. For example, if you want him to be marriageable you can add the PotentialMarriageFaction or if you are going to place him in Markarth it is good to add some of the Markarth related factions to avoid him having problems with the locals ;)
If you want to make your follower completely standalone (having a custom body shape/texture, face shape/texture, etc), you'll have to create a custom race for your follower.To create a custom race, follow the steps explained in this tutorial: Creating a custom race for Skyrim.
You are a god send, I have been looking everywhere for just this very mod. I'm crap at scripts, what would I need to take out or skip if I didn't want the follower to leave after a certain amount of time? Is it possible for him to just have an indefinite wait time?
You are a god send, I have been looking everywhere for just this very thing. I'm crap at scripts, what would I need to take out or skip if I didn't want the follower to leave after a certain amount of time? Is it possible for him to just have an indefinite wait time?
Wow, I'm just not very bright. So I fixed the compiling issue, all of it seems to check out just fine now, no errors, but in game the follower doesn't follow. Would the scripts be different for recruiting him the first time? Sorry for all the really inane questions but this is just the first time I've tackled a Skyrim companion mod, it's different than it is in New Vegas OTL
Jurassicorn never came back, but I'd like to ask the same question he did - could you please help me identify what I'd need to cut out if I don't want my follower to leave after waiting for some time?
Thank you for the tutorial! I have a problem though. I've followed the tutorial and placed my follower inside the Dead Mans Drink in Falkreath, but whenever I enter the game my follower is following me by default. Do you have any advice on how I can fix this?
Apologies for this, do intend to fix it in the tutorial soon.Make the alias Specific Ref but NOT POINTING TO ANYTHING (FORCED: None). Then, make sure that the FollowerAlias property is set on your script. It should now work appropriately.
In the "hire me" dialogue, make an info BELOW the normal one that will hire the follower and make it what they would say if you already have too many people. Make the info goodbye, no code. Just the condition that your follower should say it, nothing else. Then, in the info above it (the one where the follower will follow you), add the condition:GetGlobalValue myFollowerCountGlobal x being the amount of followers that is too many. So if you only want 3 followers allowed, should be less than 3. Then, in the code box for hiring a follower, press Properties and add a new GlobalVariable property, named whatever you like. Fill this property with myFollowerCountGlobal, and add this anywhere in the End code box:myFollowerCountGlobalProperty.Mod(1.0)In the dismiss topic, add that same global property to the script, and add:myFollowerCountGlobalProperty.Mod(-1.0)To somewhere in the End fragment.
Hi there, I followed the tutorial, and I'm not sure if I'm missing something obvious here, but my character won't follow me, or use any topics. I started using Decks16's guide, so she'll say some miscellaneous things when I'm near her, but I can't talk to her. I had originally duplicated Mjoll's dialog and edited it for my follower as per Deck16's tutorial, and it worked before, but I deleted it after I made this framework. Should I have kept it? It didn't work after I made this. I'm very new to this, can someone please help? Thanks in advance. I really appreciate this tutorial, it's exactly what I needed, I'm just not sure how to utilize it.
Make sure you've generated an SEQ. -workaround-skyrim-dialogue-bug-fix/If you have, MAKE SURE that your NPC is already in the DismissedFollowerFaction AND PotentialFollowerFaction (-1).Make sure she's been added to your current follower faction - she will be if she has filled the follower alias. You can check this by going in game and typing:SQV yourFrameworkQuestIDAnd scrolling up a bit with Page Up. Find the Aliases part, and make sure the follower alias doesn't point to NONE. If it does, there's your issue. If not, then that's just fine.
It worked! I generated a SEQ with TES5Edit and started a brand new game, and it worked like a charm. Thank you so much, now I can finally have my follower on her own separate framework! Now to learn how to make quests! ;)
Hi, I'm not sure if you're still checking these comments as it has been a long time, but I really hope you can help me. After checking in-game with SQV, my follower alias points to 'NONE'. My follower will say the line and agree to follow me, but then does nothing and will not speak to me again. What could be causing this?
Before I look at this, though I certainly will in 20 minutes or something - make sure that he starts in your version of PotentialFollowerFaction, and the "join me" line is conditioned to that. And remember, quest should be start game enabled and the alias should be optional.
Okay. On your follower NPC - the actual NPC, not the alias - add the faction PotentialFollowerFaction at level 0 - or, if you made a new CustomFollowerFaction and DismissedFollowerFaction, make a custom PotentialFollowerFaction and add that. In your dialogue option for "follow me", add the condition GetInFaction PotentialFollowerFaction == 1.0 Run On Subject. (If you made a custom PotentialFollowerFaction, use that instead of PotentialFollowerFaction there.) Now go to the script that has all the functions like DismissFollower and such. In the script, you'll want to add a new Faction property. Put it at the top of the script, with the other properties, and name it:Faction Property PotentialFolllowerFaction AutoGo to the DismissFollower function, and before the EndFunction part but right around the area where you're removing/adding any other functions, make a new line and add:DismissedFollowerActor.AddToFaction(PotentialFollowerFaction)Then go to the SetFollower function, find the area where you're adding factions to FollowerActor, make a new line, and say:FollowerActor.RemoveFromFaction(PotentialFollowerFaction)Compile, go to the properties, and fill the Faction property of PotentialFollowerFaction with either the PotentialFollowerFaction or, if you made one, the custom faction you made instead.
Did everything you said, tried it on my own custom script and your template and still no change. I still have bad luck with modding it seems.With what I created, isn't the potential follower faction a duplicate of the dismissed follower faction? I am still somewhat confused on what the exact difference is.Sorry for my stupidity. >
I very much doubt it's you being stupid. It's probably me.PotentialFollowerFaction is not a duplicate - PotentialFollowerFaction says "I can be a follower", and DismissedFollowerFaction says "I am a follower that was dismissed". They're used for different things. I'll take a look at your files soon, I promise - though if you want to update them with the PotentialFollowerFaction stuff, that'd be great. I just have to wrap up a few things I'm doing first.
Great tutorial! I successfully created a custom follower framework and have it running great. Just one quick question. I have recorded custom dialogue for his first line to follow me and that works fine, but for some reason his voice does not show up for any of the other custom lines like waiting or trading or dismissing so I cannot save anything that I record. Do you have any idea why this might be happening?
Glad that it worked for you.As for the voice - the way voice should be recorded is not the way thru the CK, really. It's not the way I recommend it, and the CK isn't the best recorder. Download or use an audio editor - I recommend Audacity, as it's free and really easy. Then, record each line in Audacity. It should be a MONO track, 44100Hz and exported as a WAV 16 Bit PCM. You export this line, and then move it to the appropriate folder in Skyrim. The folder will be under:Skyrim/Data/Sound/Voice/YourModName.esp/YourFollowerVoicetypeNameYou then change the name of the file to the response line ID in the CK. I wrote a full tutorial (which I will eventually import to this site) over here: -graduate-thread-trivia-matthiaswagg/?do=findComment&comment=260423If that doesn't work for you, this set of tutorial includes info on how to import dialogue. -a-unique-voiced-follower-in-skyrim-part-1
That would indicate that the conditions for the dialogue line are not met. If it's the GetInFaction lines, that would make sense why the voicetype line is not showing. It means that the CK can't find anyone who would be able to say that line right off the bat. That said, you KNOW that your companion will be able to say those - eventually. So, copy the Voice Filename and export your voice files/save your voice files to the voicetype folder under Skyrim/Data/Sound/Voice/YourMod.Esp. The CK will not automatically recognize that they are there, but when you go in game, they will play fine. 2ff7e9595c