An online instrument was used to enable students to assess their own learning gains. This instrument was developed by Dr. Elaine Seymour in conjunction with the National Science Foundation-funded initiative called SENCER (Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities, ) which promotes service-learning through civic engagement. We utilized this SENCER SALG (6) (Student Assessment of their Learning Gains, ) instrument in 2006 before the BCC project was implemented, and again in 2007 and 2008 in order to assess change in attitude and understanding of science as a result of the project. Not all of the questions were directly comparable between years because some questions were modified or added in 2008 that more specifically addressed the water sampling project, and the SENCER SALG site itself underwent a revision after 2007. Students received class points for participating in the instrument; the SENCER SALG revealed which students responded but their answers remained anonymous. Nor was it known whether a respondent was a science major or non-major. Sample sizes of respondents were 66 of 123 students in 2006, 47 of 92 in 2007, and 33 of 48 in 2008. Chi square analysis was used to determine significant differences (p = 0.05) for each SALG question of particular interest.
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